This new U.S. Forestry Service Lab in is located on a 7 acre parcel of land that was reserved in the 1960’s for the purpose of U.S. Forest Service research and administration. The national federal facility houses the Pacific Northwest Research Station, Juneau Forestry Sciences Lab, scientists from Alaska Coastal Temperate Rain Forest Center, and University of Alaska Southeast students. The Design-Build project features an 11,260 square foot, wood framed, 2 story building with space for offices, labs, and meeting rooms to accommodate the 30 forestry scientists and employees.
The front entrance displays two, ten-foot tall Native Alaskan house posts, carved by a Tlingit Master Carver, to memorialize the ancestors of local Native Alaskan tribes. The building received LEED Gold status. Sustainable building practices employed in the project include a ground source heat system, optimized lumber packages to minimize waste, and power shedding to minimize the use of electric power.
client: United States Forest Service
architect: MRV Architects, PC